Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Quinton's Born Day Video

This is the day when we met you, Quinton

Akhirnya video ini selesai juga..
Dan buat aku ini adalah video terbaik yang pernah aku nonton.
Moment-moment di RS saat akan melahirkan Quinton.
Dan mengenang lagi bagaimana perasaan akan menjadi mommy pada saat itu.
Berharap setelah Quinton besar bisa nonton video ini.

Well, I'm speakless..

Mommy Love You So Much

Thank you Lol & Pop for the video.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Family Portraits

All of Us.. 

Three of Us
Daddy n Mommy love Quinton

Sisters n Brothers

Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Baby Boy and Me

It's 3 a.m., they're all asleep, 
and no-one's here to see. 
As we rock slowly back and forth, 
My baby boy and me.

His little hand is feather light 
Tucked up against my chin. 
I hold his tiny hand in mine, 
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans, 
The clock hands creep around. 
He snuggles closer to me still, 
And makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much, 
And cherish every one. 
Store memories up inside my heart 
For lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up, 
His need for mama gone. 
But until then I still have time 
For kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this 
With him cuddled in my arms, 
Where I wish he'd always stay 
Protected, safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come 
When his tiny little hand, 
will be bigger than my own. 
He'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love 
With no one here to see. 
As we rock slowly back and forth, 
My baby boy and me.

Friday, April 6, 2012

This is the day you Born!

Hari yang di tunggu-tunggu akhirnya sampai juga..
Kalau di tanya perasaan bagaimana?
Bagaimana ya... antara exciting dan deg-deg-an...
I want to meet my baby...
Itu yang ada di dalam benak.

26 March 2012, 11 pm
Sudah siap-siap untuk ke RS. Siloam Lippo Village...
Packingan bawaan untuk ke RS sudah ready dari kemarin-kemarin...
So Now.. Lets Go...

Di temanin Suami n Mama ke RS nya..

(I'm so exciting.. My Happy Face)

(Lagi isi form-form administrasi di RS. Siloam Lippo Village)

Terus untuk Malam tanggal 26 March 2012, Gw sudah nginap sendirian di RS.
Sebenarnya dan seharusnya di temanin oleh hubby, tapi karena ga dapat kamar untuk hotel service (ranjang sebelah di ambil juga jadi sekamar bisa berdua)
Akhirnya..Hasilnya gw ga tidur sama sekali.. Bukan karena ga mau tidur, tapi karena ga bisa tidur..
Sudah di coba dengan berbagai posisi tidur, tapi ga nyaman bgt di RS sendirian dengan ranjang sebelah kosong. Ada perasaan serem juga hahaha (padahal ga suka nonton film2 horor indo tuh)

Detik demi detik...
Menit demi menit...
Akhirnya jam 5 pagi, perawat sudah datang untuk persiapan operasi di jam 7 pagi.
Hubby dan keluarga pun datang untuk memberikan support.
Dukungan mental dari Hubby sangat di butuhkan di sini.

(Hubby Giving Support)

(Sudah Diinfus, setelah di tusuk sebelah kiri dan gagal, SAKIT T_T!
Gara-gara ikutan Cordlife jadi darahnya di ambil 3 tabung dari jarum infus. But Anything for my lovely son)

(The last few hours before you born)

(Signing the paper work before Operation)

(Last Moment before Operation, Sudah di depan pintu Ruang Operasi
dan masih sempat-sempatnya gw pesananin ke Hubby " Updatein status bb nya dong")

(Proses Operasi, Pengambilan darah tali pusat untuk penyimpanan stem cell di Cordlife)

(Welcome to the World! Thank You Dr. Dachrial Daud)

Someone Special,
Someone dear,
Someone new to love
is here !

Our First Son
born on 27 March 2012

Time: 7.30 am
Weight : 3.135 kg
Height : 48 cm

(First Bonding, Cant Stop my tear when I see you)

( Setelah di bersihkan)

(Di jemur di ruang Transisi, Biar Hangat)

(My Baby Boy, Quinton Ocean Wyel)

(Mommy and You... Love You so much.
Setelah di kamar pasien)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nursery Set Up

Kamar Sementara untuk Quinton...
Karena banyak tahayul yang bilang kalau semasa hamil engga boleh renovasi rumah, jadi kami menunda sampai Quinton lahir baru akan menambah kamar baby...

Jadi sementara hanya menghias ranjang baby ini saja :(
Furniture dan dindingnya belum di apa2in krn toh nanti di rombak juga...
Sabar.. sabar hehehe

But I really love Bed Sheet nya.. dengan tema special request OCEAN
Dan boneka seashore nya... ya ampun lucu sekali hehehehe

baby Box : warisan dari Vivian (sekarang sudah berumur 18 thn) dengan di cat ulang oleh d'bright designs

bed sheet : special request gabungan blue poetri & tema Ocean.. pesan di Cribcot Bedding, Bandung

One of my Pregnancy Journal

Sudah 35 minggu nih..
2 more weeks, Quinton sudah mateng di dalam sana :D

Sebenarnya kemarin baru dapat hasil cek darah dari Lab,
dan yang gw dapatin itu hanya bad news..
HSV 2 IgM gw masih positif..
Itu artinya ga bisa lahiran secara normal, musti caesar...

Yea bener awal2 kehamilan gw emang ga berani lahir normal karena takut sakit..
But setelah mengikuti Pregnancy Class dan Prenatal Yoga (senam hamil)
Gw sudah mengumpulkan segala nekat dan niat untuk lahir normal...
Gw berpikir apa alasan gw untuk ga lahir secara normal??
thats the best choice for Baby Quinton.. dia bisa labih sehat dan kuat dalam pernapasannya..
Kalau bisa normal kenapa gw musti caesar?
Di tambah lagi setelah di kasih nonton video caesar, yang seperti ngebelek perut babi begitu.
semakin ilfil deh... :(
Dan Caesar ga bisa first bonding dengan baby... yang pertama melihat babynya katanya harusnya daddynya... Rasanya dunia ini ga adil sekali...

So setelah mendapat hasil dari Lab ini, gw luar biasa kecewa n sedih..
COba saja gw lakukan cek darahnya lebih awal..
Mulai menyalahkan Dr. dachrial yang orangnya lebih cuek...
Padahal di awal kehamilan sudah di berikan laporan nya.
Tapi dia take it easy begitu..

But I try to positif thinking...
Semuanya pasti ada alasan dan sudah di Atur harusnya...

Nanti sore akan konsultasi lagi ke dokter.. lihat gimana pendapatnya..
Kalau memang ternyata harus caesar, I will choose 27 March 2012
Ga pake lihat hari bagus egala, ga ada alasan khusus selain biar tanggalnya sama dengan bday mommy nya..

I really Cant wait for Quinton...
Extremely Love Him SO MUCH MUCH MUCH..
Biarpun bandelnya luar biasa di dlm perut.
Setiap malam di kasih kaki naga bergulat2 di dalam sana...
1 bulan terakhir ini benar2 penuh perjuangan untuk bisa tidur..

Friday, February 17, 2012

Like A Ballon

Ga terasa waktu sudah berlalu... Time really flying fast.
1,5 bulan lagi Baby Ocean akan lahir...
Ada rasa Takut, ada rasa deg2 dan ada rasa penasaran ingin ketemu.

Sudah 32 minggu sekarang..
Baby Ocean semakin aktif di dalam sana..
Kadang gerakannya lucu, tapi kadang nyakitin juga.. T_T
Setiap gerakannya yang yang membuat gw sakit, langsung aja deh lihat wallpaper di bb yang terdisplay foto 4D muka Ocean.. langsung deh luluhh...
maybe thats what people called Mother's Love

Dengan perut yang sudah kencang sekali ini, membuat semua gerakan gw jadi lamban banget..
Tapi tetap sampai saat ini gw masih kerja produksi BukuUnik.
Karena selain persiapan menunggu kelahiran Baby Ocean, gw jg kudu siapin persiapan untuk Inacraft, yang selisih 1 bulan dengan kelahirannya.
Double Panic nya...

And I Know "Aku Pasti Bisa" :D

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hellofest 8 Artikel by Willy

This a repost from : Kompasiana

Why post here? 'cos i love this article...

My Hubby write this for winning an iPad2 competition.

And this event is so Awesome.. cant wait for next Hellofest next year

Hellofest8 - An Event That Connect!

“Today is the day” i thought when waking up on saturday 4th of February 2012. The flow of energy has been different since i am expecting to go to Hellofest 8 at Balai Kartini. Due to work, i planned to go in the afternoon after i got off at 1pm.

Time do flies and it suddenly is 1pm, i quickly clean up my desk and pick up my 7 months pregnant wife (who is also very looking forward to it) and head toward hellofest8 at Balai Kartini. My enthusiasm turn into frustation after almost 2 hours in traffic and the entrance was closed due to parking spots has been fully taken. I was really dissapointed when with a stroke of luck, suddenly a security guard opened up the entrance and i was the second car in line to get in, “This is my lucky day” i drive into Balai Kartini with a big grin on my face.

Anyway, after circling balai kartini a few times and found a parking spot we got into hellofest8 at around 5.30pm!!! Fortunately, it was still really, really.. and i mean really crowded.


if three is a crowd, what is this?

First thing me and my wife did was to the rest room, after almost 2,5 hours of traffic, we needed it bad! Then we start going around the hall. Left and right we saw people with amazing customes busying themselves setting up their costumes and taking pictures. Some costumes are really simple yet amusing, some are complex and fascinating. But i gotta agree that most are very entertaining to see and never fail to put a smile on my face. The effort put into this is really amazing.


What we see is actually a team massive effort

After circling on the ground floor we decided to go upstair and take alook around more, but it is quite a challenge to do so. People are lining up to go upstair via the escalator, and access to the escalator only open every 10 - 15 minutes and line just keep piling up more and more, i guess this crowd control by the organiser sort of work, it doesn’t seems to have any accidents reported, good job to the organiser.


Even super heroes need to get in line in Hellofest8

After i got into the upper level, me and my wife looked around and took a few pictures. Some costumes are scary, some are delightful. I have a few encounter with some cosplay-er and have some picture takens. It never cease to amaze me how they come up with those ideas.


My Close encounter with the Ghost Rider!

We were planning to get into the hall to watch the movie, but decided to throw that thought away due to the massive amount of people still queuing to get in. Then we encounter another team of cosplay-er with simple yet scary costume, i can’t help but to approach them for another funny shot i have on my mind.


Another scary encounter on hellofest8

Also, i would like to take this opportunity to really thanks a lad who offers my 7 month pregnant wife his seat when we are struggling to find one in the dining hall to grab something to eat. I didn’t catch his name and i don’t think i would ever remember his face again, but if you are reading this, know that your action really do make a difference in our day and next time i see a pregnant lady, i would gladly offer my seat to her as well. kudos to you, i still believe indonesian is a friendly bunch!

All in all, it’s an very enjoyable experience.. It’s really good to see how all the youngster are channeling their energy to something positive. Hellofest is definitely one of a kind event that really connect us as a citizen in this big metropolitan city.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

28 weeks, My boy

Well, I'm trully fall in love with this little guy in my tummy...
My handsome boy, you are amazing...
You grow day by day in there..
I can feel you more now, your every little moving.

Quinton Ocean Wyel,
We will meet in 2 more months
Really can't wait for your birth...

Mommy n Daddy love you so much....

Hug n Kiss

Kesibukan Akhir-akhir Ini

Sudah back to Kesibukan yang makin ga jelas, waktu-waktu terasa makin cepat berlalu..
makin ga sempat deh isi blog nya..

Akhir-akhir ini sibuk dengan bersihin rumah nyambut imlek pertama kali di Jakarta setelah married. Plus sudah ga pake pembantu, jadi bahu membahu dengan hubby bersihin rumah yang debunya udah mengunung.

Dan sibuk pindahin barang-barang bukuunik ke kantor baru.. akhirnya rumah bisa napas lega.. terlepas dari tumpukan-tumpukan kardus dan kertas..
Lantai bawah jauh lebih rapi now.. (masih belum sempat di fotoin nih, ntar kl sempat deh di fotoin)
But lantai atasnya masih agak berantakan... hehehe
Mikirnya kan nanti di renov juga setelah lahiran, mau hias kamar baby Quinton juga masih tanggung bener...

Dan hal terakhir, gw juga harusnya sudah sibuk siapin persiapan menyambut kelahiran Baby Quinton kan??? masih santai-santai aja selama ini.. belinya iseng-iseng dari web baju sebiji, kaos kaki sepasang dua pasang..
Dan tiap kali ke baby shop, no idea kudu beli apa ya???


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