Sunday, April 22, 2012

My Baby Boy and Me

It's 3 a.m., they're all asleep, 
and no-one's here to see. 
As we rock slowly back and forth, 
My baby boy and me.

His little hand is feather light 
Tucked up against my chin. 
I hold his tiny hand in mine, 
and stroke his baby skin.

The house about us creaks and groans, 
The clock hands creep around. 
He snuggles closer to me still, 
And makes his baby sounds.

I love these quiet hours so much, 
And cherish every one. 
Store memories up inside my heart 
For lonely nights to come.

All too soon he'll be grown up, 
His need for mama gone. 
But until then I still have time 
For kisses and for song.

Time for quiet hours like this 
With him cuddled in my arms, 
Where I wish he'd always stay 
Protected, safe and warm.

And yet I know the day will come 
When his tiny little hand, 
will be bigger than my own. 
He'll grow to be a man.

But until then he's mine to love 
With no one here to see. 
As we rock slowly back and forth, 
My baby boy and me.

Friday, April 6, 2012

This is the day you Born!

Hari yang di tunggu-tunggu akhirnya sampai juga..
Kalau di tanya perasaan bagaimana?
Bagaimana ya... antara exciting dan deg-deg-an...
I want to meet my baby...
Itu yang ada di dalam benak.

26 March 2012, 11 pm
Sudah siap-siap untuk ke RS. Siloam Lippo Village...
Packingan bawaan untuk ke RS sudah ready dari kemarin-kemarin...
So Now.. Lets Go...

Di temanin Suami n Mama ke RS nya..

(I'm so exciting.. My Happy Face)

(Lagi isi form-form administrasi di RS. Siloam Lippo Village)

Terus untuk Malam tanggal 26 March 2012, Gw sudah nginap sendirian di RS.
Sebenarnya dan seharusnya di temanin oleh hubby, tapi karena ga dapat kamar untuk hotel service (ranjang sebelah di ambil juga jadi sekamar bisa berdua)
Akhirnya..Hasilnya gw ga tidur sama sekali.. Bukan karena ga mau tidur, tapi karena ga bisa tidur..
Sudah di coba dengan berbagai posisi tidur, tapi ga nyaman bgt di RS sendirian dengan ranjang sebelah kosong. Ada perasaan serem juga hahaha (padahal ga suka nonton film2 horor indo tuh)

Detik demi detik...
Menit demi menit...
Akhirnya jam 5 pagi, perawat sudah datang untuk persiapan operasi di jam 7 pagi.
Hubby dan keluarga pun datang untuk memberikan support.
Dukungan mental dari Hubby sangat di butuhkan di sini.

(Hubby Giving Support)

(Sudah Diinfus, setelah di tusuk sebelah kiri dan gagal, SAKIT T_T!
Gara-gara ikutan Cordlife jadi darahnya di ambil 3 tabung dari jarum infus. But Anything for my lovely son)

(The last few hours before you born)

(Signing the paper work before Operation)

(Last Moment before Operation, Sudah di depan pintu Ruang Operasi
dan masih sempat-sempatnya gw pesananin ke Hubby " Updatein status bb nya dong")

(Proses Operasi, Pengambilan darah tali pusat untuk penyimpanan stem cell di Cordlife)

(Welcome to the World! Thank You Dr. Dachrial Daud)

Someone Special,
Someone dear,
Someone new to love
is here !

Our First Son
born on 27 March 2012

Time: 7.30 am
Weight : 3.135 kg
Height : 48 cm

(First Bonding, Cant Stop my tear when I see you)

( Setelah di bersihkan)

(Di jemur di ruang Transisi, Biar Hangat)

(My Baby Boy, Quinton Ocean Wyel)

(Mommy and You... Love You so much.
Setelah di kamar pasien)

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