Monday, November 26, 2007

7 november

ini cerita tentang 7 november 2007 yang lalu

akhirnya hari yang di tunggu2...
g buat suprise tuk hun padahal waktu itu baru abis berantem
ada unsur sengaja sih sedikit so biar dia ga curiga..
udah book di oceanic cafe, prepare for all the things
ampe udah bela2in pegi survey dulu,tingalin kadonya di sana..

lokasi cafenya romantis bangettt
di atas dermaga bulat.. so samping dan depan belakang udah laut
dan mejanya udah di hias beda dari yang lain
cuma di terangin lilin aja
so sweet

hun ngasih g sebuket bunga mawar sebelum ke oceanic cafe.
so rasanya bangga banget pas ke sana dengan bawa bunga dan gandengin hun.
g bilang ke hun alasan ke sana buat meeting ama marketing cafenya.
dan so far dia percaya2 saja
so semua plan berjalan dengan lancar

hari itu bener2 hari yang special bangett
dia juga ga pernah lupa dengan 7 november, our WYEL's day
WYEL itu gabungan antara willy dan selvia
nama ini udah kita buat dari 8 thn lalu.

biarpun selama 8 tahun ini bener2 up and down , tapi g anggap itu hanya bagian dari rintangan yang kita lalui.
g dan hun long distance kira-kira 7tahun, bener2 up and down banget deh kisahnya
dan akhirnya dia decide tuk back for good bulan march 2007 kemarin.
dulu kita ketemu di tahun 1999, setengah tahun kemudian dia pindah ke singapore untuk 1 tahun, dan hun sempet balik 10 hari untuk cari g yang waktu itu masih ada di pekanbaru. setelah itu dia pergi ke oz selama 6 tahun, selama 6 tahun itu hun pernah ke jakarta tuk ketemu g, aduh senengnya mikirin masa lalu. waktu itu hun 1 bulan di jkt. setelah itu balik lagi ke oz. hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan , tahun demi tahun..
dan akhirnya kita sekarang udah bersama lagi, that's the point.

i love u Willy, my hun

Ini kue yang g pesan untuk dia.. ternyata kegedean yah tuk makan berdua, akhirnya 1 rumah makannya hahaha

Cute banget boneka doggy nya
hun juga kok ^^

Sunday, November 25, 2007

one day in my room

what are we doin?
hehehe.... lagi bongkar foto2 dari kecil dan karena pengen di scrap
so di organize dulu yang rapi, minta tlg willy tuk bantuin :)
and akhirnya dia ga berentinya ngeluh2
katanya banyak banget
sapa suruh punya cewe doyan foto hehehe

waaa lum siap kok uda di foto?
jadi muka kaget..

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Underwater Girl

it's mean I love to playing with water
water anywhere..

mine.. mine...

I hope that i will always be a kid
I love to play
I love to have fun
no any wonder
no any worry

do u think that is possible for me?

I hate to being stress..
I never like to be underpreasure

but at least I have one day to have fun at Dufan.
Maybe that's enough for me

yeahh acttually not enough..
will have another trip soon

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Fun Time

No need a reason for having fun rite?
so here we are...

using 50% discount voucher...
not bad..

and this a nice design from Sherrtz
really proud of her..

Friday, September 28, 2007

Still from a guy.. I called my best friend, Ken.

You made me remember the good times
When i could only remember the bad
You promised me a return
Of the peace i long ago had
You never left me alone
When that was what i wrongly thought i needed
You never dwelt on my faults
Instead you pointed out when i had succeeded
You made me laugh
When i felt i would cry
You made me live
When i wished to die
You are a God sent friend
from Ken

biarpun ini lbh pendek, buat jauh lebih berarti kan?
b'cos u write it by yourself..

Thursday, September 27, 2007

From Ken

When no one was there for me
And I thought that no one cared
When the whole world walked out on me
And I thought I was alone
You were there

When the one I cared about the most
Could care less about me
When the one I gave my heart to
Threw it in my face
You were there

When the person I trusted
Betrayed me
When the person I shared a lot of memories with
Can't even remember my birthday
You were there

When all I needed was a friend
To listen to me whine
When all I needed was someone
To catch my tears
You were there

When my heart hurt so bad
I couldn't even breath
When I just wanted to crawl up and die
You were there

When I started to cry
After hearing that sad song
When thew tears just wouldn't
Stop falling down
You were there

So you see I will be there until the end
This is a promise I can make
If you ever need me
Just give me a call
I will be there just as you were there for me

from my best friend Ken

Thanks... lo udah buat g jatuh dr lantai 25..
but kayaknya worthed it juga kl lo bener2 nulis puisi ini hahahaha
untung lo cuma copy-in from somewhere..
yah kan??? bleeee...

Friday, August 31, 2007

For Scrap's Lover


(Darmawangsa Square)
BUY 10 papers GET 1 FREE

Get the voucher at

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Voucher Gue

hey hey...
udah lama ngga nge post

uhm cuma mo ngasi tau aja

setiap pembelian large pizza gratis large apa saja

DISCOUNT 50% for all Cake

get the vouchers at

masi banyak voucher2 lainnya...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

My Moggie

i can't believe this..
i have a puppy!!!
i love it
he fill my family with his cherrs..
never feel lonely again..

he is a good puppy..
(except he pie on anywhere :( must be extra trained)

Thanks tante Emmy..
you're the best!!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

sumthing silly

what a funny story..
surprise heh!!

read my last post before this..
b'cos i recommended you guys to the scrap's website..

that's the reason i got fired from scrap king on the spot
not notice anything...
big question mark then...
hahaha.. but who care...
try to not blame each other..
case close
not really fair.. but nevermind

but life must go on..
get the positive things..
something better waiting me at somewhere out there..

but anyway this my 2 last classes.. miss you guys..
and for the others, sorry i don't hav your contact number..
they take all i ever request for your email & number
before i write it down..
so.. you who ever join in my class, please save my numbers
0815 1300 2007
we keep contact okay?

miss you guys...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Still about me

ahh being busy these day...
really need some relaxation..

and the thing that motivate me right now are pay off my mac book debt
and scrap's online shopping

I'll recommend to u guys which is the best website and the best price, for sure..

keep check my blog!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

New Baby Boy

Welcome to the world...
My little tiny nephew

congrats to Wilson and SeriYanti....

Monday, July 16, 2007

Scrapbooking Community

setelah berhari2, berbulan2 dan bertahun2..
g punya juga website..
lom kelar sih...

coba cek
buat para scrapbooker... paling ga kita punya komunitas deh
will inviate you guys, kl udah selesai...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yuk berprakarya..

Cobain buat sendiri gih...
click gambarnya trus save filenya..
trus di print out..
ada petunjuk2 cara buatnya juga

try them..
just for fun..


Jujur g ga tau ini buat apaan
salah satu pesanan juga

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Outing Cathay Pacific

foto temen gue ama temen2nya yang di cathay
pesenan si popo nih

so it's yours po

ukurannya 20x30 kl mo cetak ke studio ukuranya 8RS

Belajar Bareng Bareng

Inget2 masa dulu kuliah..
begini lah kl dah mo ujian sistem "SKS"
Sistem kebut semalam
apalagi kl udah yang hitung2an
maklum anak travel ga ada yang demen itung2an.

so malam belum ujian, kita pada ngumpul, dan belajar bareng deh

what a quality time..
i miss this momment

stressful but still fun!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Mini Album

I love this album


Pesanan Mei-mei (Cousin gue)
nah it's yours..

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Scrap di Bandung

it's fun..
nge-scrap rame2 di bandung
barangnya amazing..
Sissy(yellow shirt) ampe mo mati liatnya..
hahaha heboh deh

seru abis deh..
but it's kinda tired

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tjua's Family

This is my boyfriend's family
when celebrated dad's bday
May 5th 2007

Wedding's Scraps

Portfolio Nico..
nebeng taro disini , berhubung g yang desain-in

hayo hayo siapa yang mo merried
minta di fotoin tuh
bayaaarr tapi.. ^^

Sunday, June 3, 2007

name card

anyway.. ini name card gue
penting ga ya?

siapa kek..
kl ada yang mo buat scrapbook, n minta di buatin
ato sekedar mo curhat aja..

inget ada gue disini

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Panorama Convex

foto2 g dulu training di panorama convex
sebagai event organizer pameran2 gitu deh
lumayan asik biarpun byk bete nya juga
crew nya ada yg baik ada yang nge dongkolin
trus bosnya masyaallah centilnya
g rada heran kok byk yg pada betah hihihi
tp kayaknya anak2 training kelas g, semuanya pada eneg

Carita Baka Baka

tgl 25 may kemaren, ke carita.
dari yang rame2 yg hampir 20 orang
buntut2nya jadinya 6 orang doank
yang lain pada cancel... dengan berbagai macem alasan
but 6 org aja rasanya udah sekampung tuh
rame aja
seru seru...
nih g post foto2 yang udah g scrapbook-in

first entry

my first post
ga tau sih mo tuk apa blog ini..
iseng2 aja dulu buatnya
isinya ntar mikir belakangan

all about Pia's life Template by Ipietoon Cute Blog Design and Homestay Bukit Gambang

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