Thursday, June 5, 2008

Best Friend's Pre Wedding Photos

Fotonya Mariani, kalau di hitung2 udah berapa tahun yah ga ketemu dia..
She is my junior high's best friend..

dan dia udah mo MERRIED now...

di usahain datang ke acaranya yah
abis jauh banget di malaysia...
but will try my best to be there on 28 Sept 08.

Dulunya kita selalu ber 3 kemana-mana, satu lagi namanya Dewi.
udah kepisah2 sekarang.
I'm at here, Jakarta
Dewi di Surabaya
Mariani di Malaysia,

Dewi, i heard you got your engagements
Congrats to u also..

But now let see this beautiful pictures


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